Friday, June 29, 2012

The time my friends got all the signatures for me

As I've said before, living in SoCal definitely has perks.  And more often than not, authors will get to the west coast eventually.  Not always San Diego, but at least LA. In the case of all of the below signed books, I wasn't able to get to the author, so my awesome friends got things signed for me.

Jennifer had told me that she was going to a huge YA author event at Powell's and asked if I wanted anything.  I skimmed over the authors who were going to be there and told her no.  I didn't immediately recognize any of the names and at the time, I was far too lazy to look into it.

A week or so later, I picked up Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky.  I loved the book, so I immediately went to her website to see if there were any upcoming tour dates and wouldn't you know it, she was going to be at the Powell's event!

I contacted Jennifer about it and sent her my book...

I had planned on seeing Josie Angelini for her release party of Dreamless.  Ava and I had made serious plans as to how the entire day was going to play out.  Unfortunately, it was being held on the same day that my work was reopening after relocating and everyone had to work.  Luckily, Ava assured me that she would still get a copy for me...

When Richelle Mead toured for Golden Lily, she was going to be at the Santa Monica B&N.  I had talked to the ever so awesome events manager, Shane, about it and he was willing to set aside a wristband for me so I didn't have to show up so early.  I've never read any of the Vampire Academy books, but I was interested in getting the signature for my collection.  However, it just didn't work out.  My friend, Colleen, saw me complaining talking about it on Twitter and offered to get me a copy of something when Richelle was in Seattle....

I feel that by now, everyone knows about the ongoing "fight" Kassiah and I have over Étienne St. Clair.  So.  After reading Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris, I quickly called dibs on Ben.  And then proceeded to fight Kassiah and Caitlin for him.  I won.

Elizabeth used to live in San Diego, like me.  Now she's on the east coast.  When Kassiah told me she was ditching me at ALA going to BEA, I found out that Elizabeth was going to be there and shipped my copy of Unraveling to her.  Along with a note telling Kassiah something along the lines of how she better not ask for Ben, unless it's on my behalf. 

And it's one of the best inscriptions.  Even if the "Ben" is a little messy....

[Now I've learned that Elizabeth is going to be in San Diego in November.  I'm so excited that I'll probably get another book to have Ben signed to me again.  You know, for back up.]

I bought tickets to see Deborah Harkness at at local book store when she tours for Shadow of Night.  Problem is, the tour stop is during Comic-Con.  I figured that if I could get an ARC of Shadow of Night before ALA, then I could have Deborah sign it there and not have to leave CC early to see her tour stop.  I asked everyone I knew if they could get their hands on an ARC for me, all to no avail.

The lovely Kassiah also got me the hardcover [!!!] copy while at BEA.  And after all of her hard work [not to mention, she rearranged her entire schedule for me to get it], I'm still going to go to the tour stop to hear Deborah talk about the series. 

Right before ALA, Stacey Jay had tweeted that while she wasn't doing an official signing, she would have copies of Romeo Redeemed and the first four librarians who came up to her and asked for a copy would get one.  I answered her and told her that I wasn't an librarian, but that I'd love to meet her and I'd be on the lookout.  She answered that if I saw her, I should definitely ask about the book because maybe she'd have one left and I could have it.

A day or so before the Friday of ALA, Stacey tweeted the dress that she was going to be wearing and we had a conversation about how between her dress and her "Dana Scully hair", I was going to hunt her down.  Unfortunately, I didn't see her. 

Fast forward to the YA coffee event/mixer that was held at ALA on Sunday morning.  I was not in attendance, Stacey Jay was.  So was Ava.  Somehow, Ava mentioned to Stacey how I had been looking for her.  Stacey's answer was something along the lines of, "the Stacee who says she's going to stalk me?"

When Ava confirmed that I was the same person, Stacey pulled out a copy of Romeo Redeemed, signed it and handed it to Ava...

Everyone in RL tells me that Twitter is the devil.  Without it, I would have never met these lovely people who have not only helped me get some great signed books, but have become excellent friends.


  1. I love you so much. Almost enough to share...ah, nevermind. ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. First off, I totally hate how many more signed books you have than I do. Like I thought I had quite a few...but I'm sure it's nothing compared to you and this fills me with seething jealousy. Because I'm petty that way.

    Secondly, when you mentioned my name I actually tried to figure out what "other Caitlin" you were referring to before I realized it was me.




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