Saturday, March 3, 2012

The time I got book plates.

Once upon a time, someone retweeted a post by Megan Crewe.  She was offering personalized book plates for her new release The Way We Fall.  All you had to do was go to her website and provide an address and who it was to be made out to.  The day that I read it was the last day that she was offering it.

The Way We Fall had been on my TBR list, but I hadn't bought it yet [I'm forever trying NOT to buy books until I go through some of my stacks]. Megan lives in Canada and at the time didn't have any US appearances scheduled. So, I figured I would try to get a book plate... When/if I received one, I would buy the book. 

Needless to say, a couple of weeks later, I got a random envelope and inside was my book plate and book mark!  I immediately drove to Barnes and Noble to get my copy. 

I heard about The Mockingbirds and The Rivals on Twitter when it was the release day for The Rivals.  Several of the authors that I follow were talking about it and that made me curious.

I devoured each book in one night.  I fell in love with Alex, [and Martin], her strength, [and Martin], and the entire journey Alex took from being a victim to being one to help.  Did I mention Martin? :D

After reading both of the books, I went to find Daisy online.  I didn't find anything on her website about doing any sort of signings... So, of course I went on Twitter, found her and asked if she was planning any appearances.  And noooooo, she wasn't.  After talking with her briefly, she offered to send me some book plates.  She was even awesome enough to send me one for each book.

Now, I'm seeing Megan is going to be in Texas next month and I'm seriously contemplating driving out to meet her...  Daisy still doesn't have any appearances planned, but I've got my fingers crossed.

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